S. Vary, On low-rank plus sparse matrix sensing, DPhil dissertation, 2021. [pdf]
F. Alimisis, S. Vary, B. Vandereycken, A Nesterov-style Accelerated Gradient Descent Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, preprint, 2024. [arxiv]
Journal papers and long conference proceedings
S. Vary, D. Martínez-Rubio, P. Rebeschini, Black-Box Uniform Stability for Non-Euclidean Empirical Risk Minimization, accepted at AISTATS, 2025. [arxiv]
P. Ablin, S. Vary, B. Gao, P.-A. Absil, Infeasible Deterministic, Stochastic, and Variance-Reduction Algorithms for Optimization under Orthogonality Constraints, to appear in JMLR, 2024. [arxiv], [code]
H. Daglayan, S. Vary, O. Absil, F. Cantalloube, V. Christiaens, N. Gillis, L. Jacques, V. Leplat, P.-A. Absil, An Alternating Minimization Algorithm with Trajectory for Direct Exoplanet Detection – The AMAT Algorithm, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 692 (A126), 2024. [doi,arxiv]
S. Vary, P. Ablin, B. Gao, P.-A. Absil, Optimization without retraction on the random generalized Stiefel, to appear at ICML, 2024. [pdf, proc., arxiv], [code]
W. Si, P.-A. Absil, W. Huang, R. Jiang, S. Vary, A Riemannian Proximal Newton Method, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34(1), 654-681, 2024. [doi, arxiv]
J. Tanner, S. Vary, Compressed sensing of low-rank plus sparse matrices, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 64, 254-293, 2023. [pdf, doi, arxiv]
J. Tanner, A. Thompson, S. Vary, Matrix rigidity and the ill-posedness of Robust PCA and matrix completion, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 1(3), 537–554, 2019. [doi, arxiv]
T. Tokar, C. Pastrello, V. R. Ramnarine, C. Zhu, K.J. Craddock, L. A. Pikor, E. A. Vucic, S. Vary, F. A. Shepherd, M. Tsao, W. L. Lam, I. Jurisica, Differentially expressed microRNAs in lung adenocarcinoma invert effects of copy number aberrations of prognostic genes, Oncotarget, 2018. [doi]
Short conference proceedings:
H. Daglayan, S. Vary, V. Laplat, N. Gillis, P.-A. Absil. Direct Exoplanet Detection Using L1 Norm Low-Rank Approximation, preprint, 2023. [arxiv]
S. Vary, H. Daglayan, L. Jacques, P.-A. Absil. Low-rank plus sparse trajectory decomposition for direct exoplanet imaging, IEEE (ICASSP) International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2023. [arxiv]
H. Daglayan, S. Vary, F. Cantalloube, P.-A. Absil, O. Absil. Likelihood ratio map for direct exoplanet detection, IEEE (IPAS) International Image Processing Applications and Systems, 2022. [arxiv]
B. Gao, S. Vary, P. Ablin, P.-A. Absil. Optimization flows landing on the Stiefel manifold, Proc. MTNS (IFAC-PapersOnLine) 55(30), 25-30, 2022. [doi, arxiv]
G. A. Antonucci, S. Vary, D. Humphreys, R. A. Lamb, J. Piper, J. Tanner, Multispectral snapshot demosaicing via non-convex matrix completion, IEEE Data Science Workshop, 2019. [doi, arxiv]
S. Vary, A. Thompson, D. Humphreys, J. Tanner, R. A. Lamb, A computational approach to hyperspectral imaging for long-range target identification, Proc. SPIE 10644, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery (XXIV), 2018. [doi]